by Abel Sanchez | Apr 5, 2023 | Advocacy, Blog, News
One of the objectives of the Longview Chamber of Commerce is to recognize our elected officials for the hard work and personal time they put into creating a better Longview community. This is done through the Elected Officials Reception. This event for Chamber members...
by Abel Sanchez | Mar 15, 2023 | Advocacy, Blog
Join us for a panel discussion led by Judge Stoudt and the four city managers of Gregg County. This discussion will look at where the county has been, and the challenges it has faced, and then discuss how decisions made in Austin will affect the community. The goal is...
by Jerrad Parsons | Mar 9, 2023 | HEART
HEART is an interactive digital magazine for our Longview Chamber members! Stay informed about Chamber programs and use this tool to immediately contact members, advertisers and us! Health and Wellbeing, Education and Workforce, Advocacy, Redevelopment, Talent,...
by Jerrad Parsons | Jan 24, 2023 | ECHA
Every Child Has Access is a collective impact project that will address the overall well-being of students during non-school hours in an effort to create a continuous environment conducive to learning and health....
by Dave Jochum | Jan 19, 2023 | Financial Health, Member Blogs
Share Share Share Passwords are like fortress gatekeepers that control who accesses internet data. Passwords are the front-line defenders against mounting cyber attacks. Passwords keep your online accounts blocked from invading hackers who want to seize your private...
by Dave Jochum | Jan 19, 2023 | Financial Health, Member Blogs
Share Share Share You may think of yourself as being pretty savvy about fraud. And you may possess both the knowledge and skepticism needed to thwart most attempts. But two factors, in particular, can weaken even the stoutest defenses: speed and feelings. Criminals...
by Dave Jochum | Jan 19, 2023 | Financial Health, Member Blogs
Share Share Share The rising cost of food and other goods at the grocery store can make it difficult for many families to stick to their budgets. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that the average household spends about $4,500 on food each year, making it one of...
by Dave Jochum | Jan 19, 2023 | Financial Health, Member Blogs
Share Share Share Did you go a little overboard with holiday spending this year? You’re not alone. It’s hard to resist the temptation to overspend when buying gifts for your family and friends, especially when so many retailers offer their deepest discounts of the...
by Abel Sanchez | Jan 10, 2023 | HEART
HEART is an interactive digital magazine for our Longview Chamber members! Stay informed about Chamber programs and use this tool to immediately contact members, advertisers and us! Health and Wellbeing, Education and Workforce, Advocacy, Redevelopment, Talent,...