Total Resource Campaign

The Chamber’s Total Resource Campaign (TRC) is a ten-week volunteer driven effort to create marketing and strategic partnerships with members.
The Longview Chamber of Commerce is committed to partnering with your company so that you can reach your target market and fulfill your marketing goals.

TRC Volunteer Training

13 Years

of successful campaigns
to help the Chamber’s
programs & initiatives

Over 200
business members

have partnered to reach their
marking goals

50 Volunteers Each Year

leveraged the Chamber to grow their business contacts and development


Company Benefits

  • Access to 1000+ businesses / various avenues of contact with your target audiences
  • Opportunities to gain name recognition, provide interactive experiences, and promote your company during Chamber events and programs
  • Match your mission with Chamber initiatives that seek to further the Longview business environment and community-at-large
  • Effectively use your marketing dollars to support the programs of the Chamber that support your specific business interests.

I had the pleasure of presenting the Manufacturer Of The Year award at the
Longview Chamber’s Annual Banquet two years ago.

This was an opportunity offered through one of their sponsorships, which allowed me to put my company’s name and my face in front of hundreds of people in the local community.

To this day, I still have people who recognize me from the exposure the Longview Chamber has provided.

Mathew Joseph

C3 Industrial Tech

Get Involved – Volunteer!

Are you looking for new ways to connect with business professionals already plugged into the Longview community?
OR do you want to provide members of your staff with a great team building environment?

The TRC provides an opportunity for individuals and corporate teams to engage with other members and build business connections to promote the Chamber marketing opportunities and their own line of business.

Join a dynamic team experience that includes sales training, rewards, and learning about your 2019 Award Winning Chamber of the Year – Longview Chamber of Commerce.

Tim Aldredge – Eastman Chemical Company

Nick Bain – Cynergy Technology

Nick Bowen – Ware Financial

Joe Bumgarner – Eastman Chemical Company

CJ Clayton – Longview Convention & Visitors Bureau




Kim Graham – VeraBank

Cliff Hale – Guaranty Bank & Trust

Jennifer Harper – Texas Bank and Trust

Erin Hassell – VeraBank

Johanna Hodges – Texana Bank

Brandy Hogan – Sam’s Club

Leeah Joseph – Cadence Bank



Mindy Lewellen – Starfish Ad Age LLC

Keith Lloyd – Conterra Networks

Paula Loden – Spring Hill State Bank

Matthew McDaniel  – Texas Bank and Trust

Justin McFaul – Texas Bank and Trust

Rob McLeod – Eastman Chemical Company

Troy Moore – Cadence Bank





Krista Morris – Wellington Grande Apartments

Leslie Paull – Texas Bank and Trust

Darrell Paull – HOLT CAT

Dawnelle Priddy – Priddy Design Construction

Swati Rawat – Titanium Environmental Services (Taeda LLC)

Stephanie Smith – KLTV – TV Channel 7

Taryn Taylor – Longview Alternator and Starter Company




 2024 Volunteers

Want more information on available sponsorship opportunities?
Reach out to any of our volunteers to get started!


This is your opportunity to be a part of this exciting and rewarding event.  With a better understanding of the program, are you interested in volunteering or supporting this year’s TRC?

The 2024 Total Resource Campaign is set to begin in September.

If you would like to volunteer or partner in sponsoring with the Chamber please reach out to any of the volunteers or fill out the form below.

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