R.E.A.C.H.! is an interactive digital magazine for our Longview Chamber members! Stay informed about Chamber programs and use this tool to immediately contact members, advertisers and us! We are at a defining moment for American Business and we provide data on Educating on the Free Market. Look inside for the article linking to the full blog post on our web site. Get ready for the largest and most prestigious business meeting with the annual banquet on Jan 28, as Buckner International CEO Dr. Albert Reyes, presents the HealthyVIEW survey & initiatives to create long-term health in our community. 2020 also brings the census! Learn the many ways the 2020 Census helps to shape our community and determine how billions of dollars in federal funding flow into states and communities each year. The Boat and RV Show is back on January 24-26, 2020. There is a new workforce development initiative: Bridging the Talent gap with the goal of helping employers, learning providers and other community stakeholders understand the challenges of ensuring a skilled workforce.
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Longview Chamber of Commerce
410 N. Center Street
Longview, Texas 75601