InterCity Visit 2022
June 13-14, 2022
The Longview Chamber of Commerce & Charlotte Alliance Board of Directors invites you to participate in the InterCity Visit to Charlotte, North Carolina / June 13-14, 2022. This trip provides our community leaders the opportunity to discuss challenges and opportunities our community is facing. The visit also provides an opportunity for interaction among city leaders and facilitates an exchange of best practices and lessons learned.

Preparatory Documents for the Charlotte, North Carolina, InterCity Trip
Click on the links below to get the entire agenda packet!
Longview MPO Bicycle & Pedestrian Plan
Longview Bond Election Projects 2018
Downtown Longview D.A.R.E. IMPROVEMENT GRANT 2020
Longview Facade Improvement Grant (FIG)
Longview MPO Unified Planning Work Program
Historic Resource Survey Plan, Longview, Gregg County, Texas
Charlotte Opportunity Initiative
Longview Pedestrian Transit Access Plan
Mobberly Avenue Complete Street – Conceptual Design Report
Federal Reserve Presentation June 2022
Charlotte’s South End Vision Plan
Texas Business Incubators Directory
Why an InterCity Visit? The visit is designed to get new ideas. It will provide an opportunity to introduce our delegation to innovative programs and impactful projects that may be adapted and implemented in our community. Candid speakers will alert our delegation to the challenges and pitfalls with which they are currently struggling
To date eight InterCity Trips have been completed. Feedback from attendees asked the planning team to consider visiting a community “a little more like us.” Like Longview, Charlotte also had a good foundation to build on as a result of a strong community and business leadership. They have done an excellent job on focusing on amenities, housing, education, healthcare, social and civic capital, transportation, and redevelopment of their downtown! They focus on how far the dollar can go, great commute times, excellent weather, and picturesque outdoors (hmm…sounds familiar!).
As a participant you will be able to focus on best practices and experience true peer-to-peer learning. The networking and relationship building through shared experiences will help our leadership move forward on building a common foundation of understanding. Delegates will become more cohesive team working to solve problems on behalf of our community.
Why Charlotte?
Charlotte is a thriving, opportunity-rich community that is attracting new people at a rate that makes it one of the fastest-growing cities in the country. A 2014 study conducted by Raj Chetty, Professor of Public Economics at Harvard University, ranked Charlotte last for economic mobility.The study spurred regional, cross-sector collaboration-and action-in how Charlotte addresses key determinants of mobility like childcare and education, college and career readiness, and child and family stability-while simultaneously focusing on cross-cutting factors of segregation and social capital. Longview shares many of these same challenges. We are currently working to build an impactful agenda that will explore the dual issues of economic growth and economic mobility.
What to Expect?
- Understanding how to conduct a regional visioning process that involves community engagement; uses the output to redefine and communicate community priorities, and what community stands for (branding).
- Identifying best practices for business/community engagement, including focus areas, resourcing of needs, and organizing for action in “defining moments” of challenge and/or opportunity.
- Applying bold, innovative, forward-thinking to economic development that involves new financing tools to unlock more of the city and region’s growth potential.
- Modeling practices that enable (vs. inhibit) success and acknowledge the importance of a healthy downtown core; build relationships that support regional collaboration.
Activities begin Sunday at 5:30 p.m. on June 13, and will conclude Tuesday night after 6:00 p.m. dinner and ball game at Charlotte Knights Stadium on June 14. Each participant is responsible for securing their own travel and hotel accommodations. An early-bird registration fee of $375 will help defer the cost of prepared materials and meals. We recommend participants make hotel arrangements with the Omni Hotel as soon as possible.
Want a refresh or simply wish to catch up on the learning? Below are presentations from the trip!
Last Year’s Powerpoint Presentations from Tulsa, Oklahoma
Moving the Needle through Workforce Development
The Ultimate Intern Support Team for Tulsa Area Employers
A New Kind of Education- Holberton Tulsa
Tulsa Community College
Regional Economic Development
Navigating Crisis as a City
Downtown Tulsa
Mother Road Market- Entrepreneurship
Tulsa Arts District
Transforming Economic Development
For more information on the 2022 InterCity Visit, contact Kelly Hall at 903.237.4004,