About Us

What is the Longview Chamber of Commerce?

The Longview Chamber of Commerce is a voluntary organization of business and professional men and women who have joined together for the betterment of business, development of tourism, development of downtown Longview potential, and the overall quality of life in Longview.

The area’s economic well-being is directly related to the caliber of work that is done by the chamber of commerce. That is why the Longview Chamber of Commerce has a major impact on business, income and future growth of the area.

Our Mission Statement:

To engage in and promote projects that have a positive economic impact on the Longview Trade Area.

Our Vision Statement:

To be recognized as an effective resource, providing relevant, innovative, and impactful programming that ensures a healthy business climate and an enhanced quality of life for Longview and Gregg County.

Core Values:

  • Strengthen the local economy by researching and providing available resources to grow our local businesses.
  • Promote the community by marketing Longview as a destination for new businesses, active older adults and potential employees.
  • Provide business to business networking opportunities by organizing and hosting a myriad of seminars, events, etc. for our Chamber members.
  • Represent the interests of business with government by building relationships with governmental agencies and effectively voicing the needs of area businesses.
  • Build community-wide leadership by encouraging and developing a shared vision for the future of Longview and collectively influencing stakeholders to make it happen. 

Core Ideology:

  • We believe that together we can have a stronger voice and influence positive outcomes.
  • We believe Longview is a great place to live and work.
  • We believe that together we can develop leaders to shape Longview’s future.

R.E.A.C.H. Strategic Plan:

Our REACH program engages in promoting projects that have a positive economic impact on the Longview Trade Area.

Objectives of the Chamber:

  • To promote a better understanding of our private enterprise system
  • To coordinate the efforts of commerce, industry, tourism and the professions in maintaining and strengthening a sound and healthy business climate in Longview
  • To sponsor aggressive programs of work and stimulate activities which will provide for full development and employment of our human and economic resources
  • To provide creative business leadership and effective coordination of all interested parties in solving community problems and in initiating constructive community action
  • To create a broad understanding and appreciation of the great opportunities in Longview, and to promote the advantages and assets of our community, within the area, in the state and in the nation

How the Chamber Operates:

Board of Directors: The Board of Directors is the policy making body of the chamber. Its members represent the business and professional leadership of the community. The Chairman of the Board presides over all meetings of the Board.

Executive Committee: The Executive Committee consists of the officers of the organization and the President. It exercises the powers of the Board between those times when Board meetings are held.

Committees: A committee system is the most effective means of harnessing energies and abilities of volunteer members.

How the Chamber Is Financed:

The Longview Chamber of Commerce is funded through several sources. The Chamber of Commerce’s primary source of funding is membership. A little over 50% of the Chamber’s money comes directly from the membership investments paid by the members. Event sponsors make up 31% of the Chamber’s annual budget with the remaining 18% comes from our own entrepreneurial activities from products and services we provide. 

Board of Directors

Lori Ivey

Lori Ivey

Chairman of the Board

Steve Gordon

Steve Gordon

Immediate Past Chairman of the Board

Doug Whichman

Doug Whichman

Chair Elect

Brian Daugbjerg

Brian Daugbjerg

Chairman of Finance

Jennifer Ware

Jennifer Ware

Vice Chair

Mark Robinson

Mark Robinson

Vice Chair

Andy Hill

Andy Hill

Vice Chair

Jessica LaRue

Jessica LaRue

Board Member

Casey Beddingfield

Casey Beddingfield

Board Member

Nishil Patel

Nishil Patel

Board Member

Michael Clements Jr.

Michael Clements Jr.

Board Member

Adrienne Deason

Adrienne Deason

Board Member

Andrew Coggins

Andrew Coggins

Board Member

Dana Rutland

Dana Rutland

Board Member

Julia Tubb

Julia Tubb

Board Member

Appointed Directors

Steve Mason

Steve Mason

Board Member

Michelle Gamboa

Michelle Gamboa

Board Member

Ray Bostick

Ray Bostick

Board Member

Chamber Staff Directory

Kelly Hall

Kelly Hall


Dave Jochum

Dave Jochum

Chief Operating Officer



Catherine Camp

Catherine Camp

Membership and Retention Coordinator

Shawna Stewart

Shawna Stewart

Investor Support

Morgan Wilcox

Morgan Wilcox

Business Development and Marketing Manager

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