Celebrate our Veteran Community during the 9th Annual Hiring Red White and You, the Statewide Veteran Focused Hiring Event. It will be held on November 5, from 9 am – 12 pm. This event is veteran focused, but it is in fact open to the public. This will be a virtual event open to all 14 counties without having to travel, and there will be 13 employers from around our 14 county service area. Below are the employer and jobseeker registration links.
For Employer Registration Information Contact: Khaleelah.Waalee@twc.state.tx.us
Or https://app.brazenconnect.com/a/etxw/e/6x2xY/exhibitors
Job Seekers Can Register Here: https://app.brazenconnect.com/a/etxw/e/6x2xY